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The Curative Plate


The Curative Plate came about because I was chasing that familiar taste of my grandmother's home cooking that I could no longer eat because of my food restrictions. I spent countless hours in the kitchen experimenting and testing recipes and came up with the perfect mix of my grandmother's traditional techniques and my mother's modern street food flavors to fit my dietary needs. 


Having done that, I want to share what I have learned and the dishes I have made with everyone through The Curative Plate.


The first product I'd like to share is the kimchi my mother and I collaborated on for the last three years.  There are currently two kimchi versions: Vegan, & Low FODMAP(ish).  Click here to be taken to the shopping page, for descriptions and how to order.


Also I have a YouTube channel with free recipes and an Instagram page with cooking and shopping tips, so please visit me there as well.



Together, we can explore, "What's on your plate?"

  • YouTube
  • Instagram



Owner: Rachel Park


My name is Rachel, and I have autoimmune issues and other chronic illnesses that effect my health. I had to give up on foods I loved and change my relationship with food and ingredients. As a child, I had a dream of becoming a chef, and felt defeated with the dietary changes. Early on I had to "battle the blues" not knowing the issues with my gut was one of the reasons causing me to be depressed. Through the years I've had setbacks but gained so much knowledge and the joy of creating, cooking, and eating again.


Growing up in the suburbs of Philly, I was exposed to many ethnically diverse food cultures outside of my own. By going to my friends' homes, I got to watch their families cook and eat so many kinds of foods, my dream of becoming a chef was born. I'm not a doctor, I'm not a nutritionist, and I'm not a professional chef. Who I am is a person that was searching to cure my mind, body, and spirit with each plate of food I eat. I worked 20+ years within the autism community, specifically with children as a behaviorist, and I always stressed the importance of the Autism Diet, as food affected their mood and behavior greatly. This led me to look deeply into my own food intake, and how it affected me, and this in turn led to my celiac diagnosis.


I want to share what I have learned and continue to learn with others who feel stuck, uninspired, overwhelmed, or just want to eat more nourishing foods.



Creative Director: Vicky Dombroski


My name is Vicky, and I have struggled with IBS and Menstrual Migraines most of my adult life. Traditional medicine wanted to treat me with anti-seizure meds or tried to convince me it was just something to put up with.  Seeking solutions outside either extreme, I turned to alternative medicine, nutrition being one of them.  Rachel became both a friend and ally in this quest for help and knowledge. When she told me about her dreams and ideas for The Curative Plate, I knew I wanted to be a part of it.  I'm still growing in that knowledge and learning what's best for my body and mind, and I am excited to continue on this journey with Rachel and you all.  


I've worked in creative jobs for most of my career, with a BFA from Arizona, and a lot of learning on the job, I've worn many hats, as well being the owner of Channeling Chaos Illustration & Design. I love food, I love creating, and I love creating with food. I can't wait to share what we've got cooking at The Curative Plate with you!

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